PS-p68 |
PSP94-binding protein |
OTU domain |
[prostatic secretory protein-94] This secretory protein of 14 kDa (94 amino acids) is an abundant prostata-derived constituent of human seminal plasma (Lilja and Abrahamsson, 1988). PSP94 is secreted by prostatic epithelial cells. In addition to the 94 amino acid isoform, a less common isoform of 57 amino acids (PSP57 [prostatic secretory protein-57]). PSP57 mRNA is detected in kidney and bladder and in most tumor cell lines tested, but is not detectable in other tissues such as breast and lung. In prostate tumor cell lines, PSP57 mRNA is aberrantly spliced and localizes in the nuclear fraction of the cell (Xuan et al, 1995).
The protein is known also as
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