metaflammasome |
Met-Ala-Gly-Val-Asp-His-Ile |
Class B basic helix-loop-helix protein 25 |
[ metaflammatory]
This term, short for metabolic inflammation, refers to an atypical chronic low-grade inflammation induced by metabolic disorders and associated with persistent metabolic overloading of the endoplasmic reticulum (for overview see: Hummasti and Hotamisligil, 2010; Hotamisligil, 2017). The underlying integration of metabolic and inflammatory pathways plays an important role in the development of clinical entities such as obesity, diabetes, and atherosclerosis, exemplified by distinct human tissues associated with metaflammation: i. e., adipose tissue from obese subjects (especially visceral adipose tissue), livers of obese subjects with NASH (nonalcoholic steatohepatitis), and atherosclerotic plaques.
Metaflammation involves up-regulation of the genes encoding for
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