cholangiocytes |
Cholecystokinin-1 receptor |
glycoprotein 78 |
abbr. CCK. This hormone has been discovered by virtue of the ability of intestinal extracts to stimulate gallbladder contraction (Ivy and Oldberg, 1928). The hormone has been identified independently as pancreozymin, a hormone that stimulates secretion of pancreatic enzymes (Harper and Raper, 1943). Mutt and Jorpes (1968) have shown that cholecystokinin and pancreozymin are identical.
Cholecystokinin has been shown to relax the proximal part of the stomach and to constrict the pyloric sphincter, thus delaying the rate of gastrîc emptying (Anuras and Cooke, 1974; Yamagishi and Debas, 1978). Cholecystokinin has been shown to relax the lower esophageal sphincter (Resin and Stem, 1973), and the sphincter of Oddi in humans
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