non-classic Th1 cells |
non-conventional large interneurons |
CDw136 |
[non-coding RNA]
[non-protein-coding RNAs] abbr. ncRNAs. This general term pertains to types of RNA transcripts that, unlike mRNA, remain untranslated. Many of the genes encoding such transcripts (called also nonmessenger RNAs; abbr. nmRNAs) are transcribed by RNA polymerase III and are subject to epigenetic regulation by chromatin structure, histone modification, and CpG DNA methylation (for overview see: Yang JX et al, 2016; Park JL et al, 2017). These nonmessenger RNAs are being referred to also as functional RNAs (abbr. fRNAs).
There is increasing evidence that the distinction between non-coding and coding RNAs is not as clearcut as the
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