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[stress granule]
Stress granules are evolutionarily conserved visible cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein structures that lack a limiting membrane. They were first described as cytoplasmic structures assembled in response to the stress-induced phosphorylation of eukaryotic initiation factor 2 alpha (eIF2-alpha) (Kedersha et al, 1999). Stress granules contain translationally-stalled mRNAs, associated preinitiation factors, and specific RNA-binding proteins (Anderson and Kedersha, 2008; Protter and Parker, 2016). Granule components and functions have been reviewed extensively by Buchan and Parker (2009). In the older literature the term informosomes has been used for stress granules.
These structures are formed transiently in response to stress such as heat shock response or oxidative stress and last until cells have adapted to stress conditions or die
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