colonospheres |
Colony-forming cells |
[colony formation assays, colony formation]
In this test cells are grown in vitro in soft agar (tissue culture medium containing agar as a gelling agent; also referred to as semi-solid agar; see also: Cell culture) or other highly viscous media, containing, for example, methylcellulose, plasma gel or fibrin clots for overview see: Horibata S et al, 2015; Borowicz S et al, 2014). For some selected older references describing individual applications see: Barr et al, 1985; Eaves and Eaves, 1984;l Iscove et al, 1974; Iscove and Sieber, 1975 (growth of erythroid colonies), Dresch et al, 1977 (eosinophils), Eaves and Eaves Bradley ER and Metcalf, 1966; Dainiak et al, 1985; Pike and Robinson, 1970 (growth of bone marrow cells
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